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This Is a Collection of My Favorite Recipes

Fried Sough Dough Starter
Never feel bad about pouring your starter down the drain again.  Now you can just eat instead!
Bread As Good As A Bakery!  (IMHO)
A lot of bread was made badly before achieving this success.
Seared Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts can go from bland to delicious if you sear them up and spice them a little.
Home Roasted Coffee Beans
Roasting your own coffee beans is the step you probably never took as a coffee lover.  It opens the doorway to many different way to enjoy coffee.
Sough Dough Starter Yeast
This is like the pet you never wanted.  It will irritate you and frustrate you and ruin many loaves of bread.  But when it all comes together, it makes fabulous bread!
Cajun Spice!  
I use this for almost everything.  Fish... cajun, chicken... cajun, beef... cajun, veggies...cajun!